Tuesday 9 June 2009

George and the Contender

Originally posted: October 10th 2008.

Despite the fake polls (like those that showed Tony Blair as the most popular PM), George W Bush unites the American people to some extent in hatred and contempt. Here's one farewell to him, plucked from the web:
funkvigilante.com - This is a song for the free people of the world. George W. Bush has said that despite his dismal approval ratings and failed policies that history will have the final word on his presidency. We felt that we should do our part to make sure that history gets it right.

-and we have here, a Real Contender for the Dubbya role of the future:

ACTUAL SARAH PALIN QUOTES:1. We can't afford to lose had pushed for more troops where it is the taxpayers.

2. Senator McCain also showed great appreciation for what America - as a result of this latest crisis is the undo influence of lobbyists in public policy decisions being made.

3. It's Alaska who's more apt to be talking about solutions has to be considered also.

4. I think, with Ahmadinejad, personally these central fronts on the war on terror of the evil in the world.

5. I'm ill about the position that America is in, and the dealings with Freddie and Fannie has to be considered also.

6. Senator McCain also showed great appreciation for what America working with existing allies - they want freedom.

7. I'm ill about the position that America is in, and should not be rewarded, we are getting into crisis mode here.

8.It's very important when you consider even to make sure that an eye is being kept on, we are getting into crisis mode here.

9. We can't afford to lose that is what America needs today is the undo influence of lobbyists in public policy decisions being made.

10. At the same time the dealings with Freddie and Fannie and there also.

11. And as Ronald Reagan believed that a multi-faceted sollution - that's more than a lot of other senators and representatives did for us.

12. He's also known as the maverick, whether that is part of the solution or not to look at that as more opportunity.

13. With his warnings two years go about - as a result of this latest crisis and we are a free-thinking society.

14.Well, there is a danger in allowing also bipartisan effort of the evil in the world.

15. I see our country being able to represent those things also rallying against for opportunity to change it.

16. And as Ronald Reagan believed that and show our cards to terrorists as I asked President Karzai.

17. It is for no more politics as usual and that has to be considered also and there also.

18. Darn right as it's been proposed not when that could ultimately, adversely, effect a plan to keep America secure.

London Observer columnist Victoria Coren noted that Ms Palin subscribes to the belief that God created the dinosaurs six thousand years ago, and suggested that this branch of learning be dubbed Palintology

1 comment:

  1. OK, probably unfair to Sarah to compile a list chopped out of casual conversation. I should talk!
