Monday 20 December 2010

Torture now acceptable as punishment in US for untried prisoners

Once safely tidied away in the pages of history or romance/horror stories, torture is a reality in modern America - (and to an extent in the UK; ask the Guildford Four). For revealing just one instance of the invasion's mindless killer brutalities in Iraq to the world and Wikileaks, quiet, unassuming soldier Bradley Manning has been forced into the most petty and malevolent solitary confinement, denied all comforts.

This has all happened on Barack Obama's watch. The "black" president who claimed that he was the harbinger of change. Who really deserves that prematurely awarded Nobel Peace Prize?

Stop the War Coalition suggests that it is awarded jointly to Julian
Assange, Wikileaks and Bradley Manning, the alleged source of the
leaks which so comprehensively lifted the veil on the secrecy and
lies that Obama, Bush, Cameron etc. use to wage unjustified and
illegal wars.

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