Wednesday 11 January 2012

Visions and schemes at RWA

A document published by Simon Baker (creator of the Royal West of England Academy of Art Board; see below), lays out his ‘vision’ for the future of the RWA. It begins: “The RWA Board has resolved that the RWA has to obtain control of the Friends’ cash, subscriptions and database. The purpose of this note is to set out the legal means of achieving this transfer, the options and the position if FRWA agreement to meeting the RWA Board’s requirements is not forthcoming.”
Not surprisingly, the FRWA membership was not unanimously tickled pink by this
proposal. Following the outcry from members of FRWA over the news that the Friends would be swallowed by the RWA, a meeting was fixed between the dissidents and two board (of Trustees) members, Norman Biddle and Trystan Hawkins. Mr Hawkins, recently added to the Board by Simon Baker, had been given the task of putting into action the Board’s moves to take over the artistic decisions at the RWA from the Academicians.
Not all the complainants were there though; I’m told that Mr Baker prevented some of the invitations from being sent out.
There seems to be no doubt that he popped into the envelope-stuffing room as copies of an update for the FRWA were being redied for posting and said, “Do not send this out.” - His physical presence in that confined space apparently being enough to enforce his will on the volunteers, none of whom had taken a course with Charles Atlas. The update revealed how far the RWA had gone in abrogation. I quote: “ The RWA Board is empowered by the RWA constitution to establish new groups and to withdraw recognition from existing groups.”
It questioned why the decision was made to incorporate the Friends within the RWA, and takes a stand against FRWA subscriptions going straight into the RWA’s bank account as this could leave the Friends having to wind up. This ‘Direct Subscription Scheme’ has been given a name: It’s Called ‘Friends’…
Norman Biddle denied that there was any such thing as a doppleganger FRWA. a cuckoo in the nest, but while the Board-dominated RWA holds the FRWA like a puppet on its knee, and there is a likely drain on potential FRWA income from the ’Scheme’;
it, whatever it is, clucks like a cuckoo.

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