Monday 20 May 2013

Tidying up at the RWA

This blog, having charted the coup at the Royal West of England Academy of Art, has been tardy in following up with the altogether simpler closing chapter; here, then, is the latest in the saga.

The (Original) RWA Friends voted to retrieve all data files from the new RWA Board and its offshoot, the ‘Friends’, and to take back all monies that had strayed.

Simon Baker’s fellow board members asked that he resign as his term of office was over, which he duly did - a surprise to many.

The new, hefty, ART Magazine folded after only a few months in business.

The (original) Friends resumed holding lectures at the RWA.

The first of a new succession of presidents has been established.

It’s almost as if the whole thing was only a dream, although one-time editor of the Friends’ Newsletter, Roland Harmer, believes ‘It is not quite wake up time yet.’

He adds, ‘We [the original Friends] are on the verge of taking on the role that we had prior to Simon Baker. So there may

be one more episode after this.’

1 comment:

  1. The RWA has a new Director. She takes up her post on September 16th. Currently she is Director of the Penlee Gallery of Penzance.
    - from Roland Harmer
